It is everyone’s responsibility (including the employee)! At every moment in a day – we have the choice as to whether we engage, how we engage, what we say & what we don’t say. The responsibility is ours (and I mean every single person in an organization) to create the work culture we want. However, there is perhaps more at stake for a company whose employees are disengaged. Whilst for an individual, disengagement leads to monotony, boredom, frustration and this impacts our health, our relationships & our sense of self. For a company, disengagement leads to people giving less than half of what they are capable of and you’re still paying “full price” 🙂 It leads to high turnover, little innovation, politics, blame, gossip, complaint, low energy/productivity.
Another point to note, is people don’t start at a company – disengaged. It is something that is “allowed” over time, by some people, in some companies. I say ‘allowed’ simply to illustrate that the individual or the company could choose a different outcome (if they wanted to) at any point. The reason most don’t – is it requires a more “difficult”, more honest conversation, one which is uncomfortable to have (especially for our “egos”). The problem is what is at stake if we don’t have these conversations? I would say the success and happiness of our lives and our companies…..
So, what needs to happen for us to get highly engaged people in our companies?
- Alignment (vision, values & culture of company is aligned with the individual’s contribution/role, values and vision for themselves)
- Leaders that inspire people to show up at their highest contribution & create more leaders (not followers).
- Self-managing teams who practice “live feedback” and model accountability
- Radical transparency in all conversations
- Fun – to have moments that are simply about sharing, connecting & enjoyment
Imagine the ripple effect of leaving work every day – highly energized and fulfilled!